One-eyes Sibling? And an Oddity.

The cameras batteries are dying and I need to get some new ones so to try and get a few shots I switched to photo mode for the night. Got only a few before the batteries died but they were surprising. This fox here looks a lot like one eye in size shape and tail but with one noticable difference. Seen it? Yep it has two eyes! Maybe its a twin cub from the litter One-eye came from?

One-eyes sibling?

The other more surprising shot is this next species. It is not native to the U.K so maybe it has escaped from the private collection in Launceston? anyway take a look, its a racoon! Hope it returns when the camera is back in video mode. Keep an eye out for updates.
Racoon but from where?

Anyone knows of anyone missing a racoon let me know.


  1. If you look at the date, April 1st, you will see that it was a April fool, sorry. But the fox is real :)


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